Small Business Breakfast
I was privileged to attend the Cronulla Chamber of Commerce Small Business Month Breakfast. We heard from Service NSW about a number of different options for Small Business and it was so great to chat to so many local business owners and to catch up with long time friends as well.

Following recent flood events, I went down to talk to James from Audley cafe to discuss the ongoing weir overflowing. Even though the actual Weir is not the responsibility of the Council, it is important to keep this vital road structure open for residents, emergency vehicles, tourism and business. I will be lobbying the relevant stakeholders to ensure a positive outcome

Cronulla Surf Club
The reopening of the fantastic new clubhouse for Cronulla Surf Club – it’s been a long difficult process but the end result is magnificent and I was so glad to help celebrate!

Cronulla Seagulls
It was a delight to head back to the football ground where my children played and my family volunteered. Cronulla Seagulls holds a very special place in my heart. So happy to see them achieve such fantastic results with their new facilities. So very well deserved.

Wanda Surf Life Saving Club
On the 26th March I was at Wanda Surf Life Saving Club for the launch of a Surf Boat in honour of long serving member Rod Holdsworth sponsored by Gerard Malouf & Partners. The IRB Surf Rescue Boat was proudly named after long standing IRB drivers Mark Lloyd and Adrian (Bucks) Buckley and sponsored by IGA (Cronulla & Sth Hurstville). It was such a fun day for everyone with Families all joining in on celebrations & great to catch up with President Nathan and Denny and talk about the inclusion program which is dear to my heart being a NDIS provider for children.

Pip Raedio Podcast
My first ever podcast interview is now live! With a huge thanks to Pip of PipRaedio for the opportunity to chat about my background, my family, and to discuss opportunities for A Ward and our entire Shire. Filmed in early March, have a listen and let me know what you think!

Monro Park Gaming Room & Pub Objections
As many of you know, I’m passionate about Monro Park. If you object to the gaming room & pub on the ground floor or have concerns about noise levels then there’s still time to have your say. It only takes 2 minutes to submit your concerns here, just quote DA22/0205 and the address is 138 Cronulla Street, Cronulla 2230. Every submission makes a difference!